Our story

Bold. Insightful. Accessible.
The #1 place to upgrade your Business Skills.

Who are we?

We are your colleague. Your neighbor. Your friend from high-school. We’re a team of people just like you.

Our team consists of both young and experienced business professionals, entrepreneurs and creatives, brought together by one simple goal:
To make high quality business education, tools, and resources, available for people around the world. Available for you.

We recognized a gap between the vast amount of knowledge available online, and the lack of a systematized approach to education for the most popular and useful business topics. That’s what drove us to get our team together, onboard experts, and start curating content and writing our first eBooks. The rest is history…

Now, we have expanded our operations even further into making exceptional Business Tools with our new brand: Elevate Sheets. This is just the beginning – follow us on Social Media to be in the loop, and thank you for being a part of our journey!

– Your friends from Business Explained

This year was fun

We had a great time growing and learning together with you. Let the numbers speak for themselves:

190+ Countries

We’ve served customers in almost every corner of the world

10K Customers

More than 10,000 satisfied customers in this year alone

20+ New Products

Over the last year we have release more then 20 new products

Who are our products for

They are for eveyone who wants to take their business skills to the next level – they are for you!


Driven go-getters seeking practical business tactics.


Individuals enhancing skills for personal & professional growth.


Visionaries building businesses from the ground up.

Business Enthusiasts

Keen learners passionate about business insights.


Leaders aiming to optimize team performance & strategies.

Fresh Employees

Newcomers keen on mastering business fundamentals.

Do you have any further questions about us?

Write to us!

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